Funny Statistics
Numbers Don't Lie
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Labels: Funny Statistics
Smokers are 4 times more likely to get gray/white hair than non-smokers at young age.
Labels: Health
Exercise has been shown to help the heart, whereas a lazy lifestyle can be a major risk factor for heart disease. But few studies have examined how exercise impacts health at different ages. Now Epidemiologist Dietrich Rothenbacher (Univ. of Heidelberg) have shown when comparing to these inactive counterparts, those who were active throughout their lives enjoyed more than a 60% less chance of developing heart disease. But even those who became active only after the age of 40 enjoyed a 55% less chance of cardiovascular trouble, and those who went from being inactive to very active saw the greatest benefits.
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Labels: Life
In many ways, your siblings make you who you are.
Labels: Life
According to a poll conducted inside of Iran -
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Doctors have long thought the placebo effect was psychological; now research is showing it has physical -- not just psychological -- effects on your health.
In one research, Doctor told Parkinson's patients they were getting medicine, actually a placebo, then measured the electrical activity of individual nerve cells in a movement-controlling part of the brain. Those neurons quieted down of about 40%, which correlated to the improved mobility of patients' muscle.
To further prove the power of belief, Doctor hooked pain patients to a computerized morphine injection system. Sometimes the computer administered a dose without them knowing it; sometimes a nurse pretended to give it. The morphine was up to 50% more effective when patients knew it was coming.
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Labels: Health
Estimated 49,000 U.S adults died in 2005 of heart or lung disease associated with inhaling secondhand smoke. That is 134 death per day.
Labels: Health
A group of Penn State agricultural economists find in (US) counties with new Wal-Mart stores, the usage of food-stamp is 100% higher. They blame Wal-Mart causing the collapse of mom-and-pop local business networks and low wages.
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