Numbers Don't Lie

Saturday, January 27, 2007

US household credit card debt

a)heard from the NPR radio (1/26/2007): the average US household now carry credit card debt of $7,753 , after many years of climbing of debt.

b)spot the stock price of Mastercard Inc. at Yahoo as of 1/26/2007:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God this is me! I pay them every month too...

10:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God this is me! I pay them every month too...

10:46 AM

Blogger Mike said...

Ditto. We get our "fix" on the computer rather than buying things.

12:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. . . I would be insane with credit card debt like that. . . I pay all credit cards off each month. . . looks like I am not alone.

6:42 PM


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