Numbers Don't Lie

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The cost of having kids

What is the take and give for having kids? If you think caring for children is taking years off of your life, you might be right! While researchers always assumed there was a human "fitness cost" for having kids—the price parents pay in their own health and longevity—a new study (which looked at 21,684 couples who lived in Salt Lake City and married between 1860 and 1895) actually quantifies this cost. Researchers found that a mother with 12 kids had a 5 times greater chance of dying prematurely than a mother of 3. And the toll on women was greater than that on men: Older mothers were 4 times as likely to die within a year of having a child than their male spouses were.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wonder if the findings are relevant to the twentieth century?

5:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have aunts who have never had kids and look great, where as those who do are a bit run down by life. Nevertheless, it has to be worth it, don't you think?

5:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Numeric. . . having kids is a traumatic event on the old bod. . . yeah the women with 12 kids are going to have a possibility of issues because of the complications that can happen because of the birth event. . . . the more the merrier is not necessarily true.

4:46 AM


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