Numbers Don't Lie

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Everyone has a boss to deal with

1)when employees were pulled to pick New Year's resolution for their managers,
- 18% say 'deal with workplace conflicts faster'.
- 14% say 'be less of a micromanager'.
- 12% say 'recognize work well done'.
- 0% say 'plan events for building office morale'.
Source: Businessweek, Jan 3rd, 2007.
2) when asked to rate their managers, a study found that:
- 39% of workers said their supervisor failed to keep promises.
- 37% said their supervisor failed to give credit when due.
- 27% said their supervisor made negative comments about them to other employees or managers.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The second set of data is overestimated by 3%.

also.. Didn't they ask anyone who was happy with their manager?

love the blog. Keep it up.

4:24 AM

Blogger Tom Bailey said...

I am sure if the events included time off you could get a very high reception to that number.

12:22 PM

Blogger Maroto said...

nope, tara, they could not find any :P

12:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! You mean all of those retreats are worthless....interesting! lol

7:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

promises, promises... always empty promises.. sounds like all of us labrats perennially grovelling for grant money!~))

7:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. . . . shocking stats. . . . I would have to say that managers need to do a lot of verbal kudos. . . .

4:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several years ago I wrote a book on the subject of workplace culture and employee morale. It is as relevant today as it was then. Employee morale is directly linked to the interaction of employees with line managers who are charged with executing the policies and strategies of companies. Unfortunately, many of these managers subvert the good intentions of the organization to meet their own personal goals and agendas at the expense of their peers and subordinates. This management subculture the result of a corporate culture of ignorance, indifference and excuse. Better corporate level leadership is the key. Read more in "160 Degrees of Deviation: The Case for the Corporate Cynic."

7:53 AM


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