Numbers Don't Lie

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Are female teacher better for girls ?

Are female teachers better for girls? or male teachers better for boys? One interesting (may be controversial ) study say the answer is yes. According to the author, Thomas S. Dee (an economist at Swarthmore College), “Learning from a teacher of the opposite gender has a detrimental effect on students, My best estimate is that it lowers test scores for both boys and girls by approximately 4% of a standard deviation and has even larger effects on various measures of student engagement".
I am just glad that the 4% is not a big number (if it is confirmed by other studies). Be reminded that about 80% of teachers in U.S. public schools are women currently - the same likely to be true, more or less, for other countries.
Dee said he also discovered that a teacher's gender influenced attitudes towards student behavior: Female teachers were more likely to see boys as disruptive, and male teachers were more likely to see girls as inattentive.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about gay teachers? Did they say anything about that?

6:58 AM

Blogger Bartcal said...

I don't know, some of the best teachers I had were of the opposite sex. Just my 2-cents.

7:55 AM

Blogger MSU gal said...

Me too. My very best teachers were of the opposite sex, elementary through college!

8:13 AM

Blogger sattvicwarrior said...


2:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I understand that male teachers are needed in inner city schools, so boys (often without fathers) will have good role models.

6:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i totally agree ... i always prefer teachers of the same gender ... can connect

9:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Best estimate"?? It's an interesting piece of data, but it's based on what, exactly?

10:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All kids (boys and girls)need a positive male role model. Too many kids nowadays are from broken homes, living usually with their mothers and often in fear of all things masculine. Not all men are bad!

3:00 PM


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