Numbers Don't Lie

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Men put off going to ER during big games

David Jerrard, a emergency physician, looked at hospital emergency room visits around 800 regular season college and pro football, baseball and basketball games in Maryland. He found that male emergency room attendance increases by 50% after the conclusion of a football game. Also, 30-40% more men check into emergency rooms after a baseball game ends than during the innings. Men stay home instead of seeking treatment for everything from chest pains to a cut finger. Jerrard warns, "Men should not risk their health by putting off going to the emergency room because they want to see the final results of a football game. It could be the last game they ever see."
In my opinion, when men are watching a football game, they are just too focused to feel the pain.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't the men about which you are writing understand the concept of the DVR?

I know that I am dying to see a good game, but I am opposed to dying while seeing a good game.

3:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you also have statistic for football (soccer) games? lol
I guess that these numbers would be higher than in the baseball's games.

3:53 PM

Blogger BLEU 12 said...

I want to use this story for a topic on my show.....AWESOME STUFF

Where did you find this


PS. Check out my show, THE DAILY SHAVE on my site.

9:00 PM


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