Numbers Don't Lie

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Less help for mother

In today's society, most (if not all) working mother do the "2nd shift" at home after work. To make the matter worse, they get less help at home. Here is an interesting (but sad) research addressing the decline in Co-residential female support for the mothers of young children. Using national census data for the period 1880 to 2000, the research found that in the late 19th century, nearly 50% of mothers with young children lived with another female (daughter, sister, mother)who might help carry the load. By the end of the 20th century, the figure was down to about 20%. This decline has been caused by other female attending school or employed outside the home.



Blogger Tom Bailey said...

This is a very interesting observation.

9:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a big problem with the current western ideal of the nuclear family. WOmen where not designed to care for such needy infants alone. wE DO it, we make the best of it, but it's hard on us. I think many women are less than optimal as mothers, but it's not really their fault, they are just stretched too thin and operating under unhealthy, stressful conditions. I hink I'm making the best of it, but when I'm a grandmother, I fully intend to help my girls as much as I can, as long as they reside close to me.

1:24 AM

Blogger Hepzibah The Watchman said...

There is a distinct correlation between the number of working women and the number of divorces today. When a woman works outside the home and continues to manage the household, she begins to realize - I don't need a husband - in fact, he has now become just another 'chore' that requires attention.

Men have become obsolete because of their unwillingness to share the household duties, and until they realize this fact, the divorce rate will continue to rise.

Remember - men are not domesticated animals.

7:59 AM


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